Monthly Archives: March 2010

Redactor Moderno

According to Google Analytics as of February 28, 2010, Modern Copywriter has been visited by 938 cities in 68 countries on five continents, and visitors have had 43 different primary languages. It’s about time MC featured a few of their sites too, no? 

JP Caruso, Brazil –

Christian Tufano, Venezuela –

Daniel Rincon, Panama –

Charlotte Cassonnet, France –

Barbara Kopeloff

Barbara is a senior copywriter at Tribal DDB in NYC, Ogilvy and R/GA and Big Spaceship before that. With all of that awesome interactive experience, and projects like HBO Voyeur, Nike+ and OfficeMax Arcade in her portfolio, what does Barbara’s site look like? Some big interactive production? Nope. Nine projects you can click through in about two minutes. And all of the info you could want for each project, right there, easy as Sunday morning. 


Jonny Watson

Jonny is an interactive copywriter/ACD at Dare, London. He shares a site with creative partner/AD/ACD Dan Harrison. I love how it’s organized. Everything is presented together in a succinct, coherent career story – how they became a team, employment history, the work, awards, all of it – on one tidy page. 


Wade Paschall

Wade is a copywriter/CD in Boston, formerly a VP/GCD at Arnold. When you land on his site, you’ll see a pencil with his name on it, and right and left arrows. I recommend you go to the upper right hand corner of the screen and click the arrow way up there, then click on Print as Writer and start with Urban Decay. Just gorgeous writing. “My beautiful ten soldiers.” Love love love it.  


Ruchir Sachdev

Ruchir is a recent copywriter grad from Miami Ad School in Hamburg. He shares his site with art director and fellow MAS Hamburg grad, Sara Kujundzic. Their site is called Instant Ad Legend and it’s crazzzeee. The first thing you do is choose between Bill Bernbach, David Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, and Bruce Lee. Then you’re transported to a world of corrugated madness. If you can nav your way to Ruchir’s portfolio (good luck), check out the Van’s Roofitti case study. Good stuff, as is the site. Sometimes crazy works when it’s crazy enough, you know? 


Daniel Cohen

Dan is a copywriter/SVP/CD at Publicis NY, JWT and DDB before that. I like how his site works. On the left is a small, simple nav box that shifts up and down so it stays vertically centered. The main window background changes to match the product/brand of the creative being featured. And despite Dan’s years in the biz, it’s a tight book: 9 TV, 10 print, 4 web, 2 entertainment.


Nick Gordon

Nick is a senior copywriter at Jupiter Drawing Room in Cape Town, Ogilvy and Saatchi before that. His site is MC’s first from South Africa and it’s awesome. It’s so interesting to see the humor and the vibe of South Africa in Nick’s work. Some of it, like the above print, could be right out of Europe or the States. But some of the other pieces, especially some of the TV, definitely has a different vibe. 


Tim Blevins

Tim is a senior copywriter at Carmichael Lynch, Colle+McVoy before that. His site is on, which you should check out if you haven’t. (Think Facebook, but for creative portfolios.) His stuff rocks.,, Winnebago … it’s all good. NOTE: Also worth checking out but not yet up on Tim’s site are and


Matt MacDonald

Matt is a copywriter/CD at JWT NY, Bates before that. His bio reads that his “career goal is to make advertising people don’t hate.” Well, he’s done a hell of a lot better than that. Snake a bottle of the good stuff out of your agency’s client stash, shake it up dry, and sneak off somewhere you can be alone for 15 minutes. This is a great one.


Miami Ad School Week: CW Grads

Anthony Ciolino –

Becky Darling –

Bipasha Mookherjee –

Brad Soulas –

Branden Kramer –

Brandi Clinch –

Carlos Rangel –

Chase Domergue –     

Chris Mead –

Courtney Koeneke –

David Gordon –

Eric Roller –

Jerrod Woods –

Jessye Hand –

Katie Facada –    

Kevin Martin –

Louis Laurent –

Mark Gaspar –   

Michael Mishu –        

Nick Zacher –