Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of the 2012 VCU Brandcenter graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):
Daniel Aguinaga: danielaguinaga.com
David Ashton: davidjashton.com
Christopher Brotzman: chrisbrotzman.com
Phil Clockers: phil.clockers.org
Lonnie Elliott: lonnieelliott.com
Matt Garcia: cargocollective.com/rmattgarcia
Craig Gerringer: cargocollective.com/cgerringer
Bri Hand: secrethidingplaceofbrihand.com
Bryce Isaacson: bryceisaacson.com
Alina Karabaich: karabaich.com
Patrick Kraft: patrickkraft.com
Alex Ledford: alexledford.com
Yahkeema Moffitt: yahkeema.com
Mariana Oliveira: heymar.com
Nick Park: cargocollective.com/nickpark
Brandon Poole: bpoole.com
Johnathan Ranson: iamjonransom.com
Whitney Ruef: whitneyruef.com
David Satterfield: david-satterfield.com
Ben Schneider: schneiderben.com
Chris Sheldon: crsheldon.com
Scott Thomasch: cargocollective.com/LostBoy
Jeff Vitkun: jeffvitkun.com
Tedd Wood: teddwood.org