Craig Likhite, Vice President/Creative Manager at CK Chicago, is looking for a mid-level copywriter to work on Corona, Panera, Hilton, Cedar Fair, Porsche, and other (awesome) accounts. From Craig: “CK is looking for a mid-level copywriter. What’s a mid-level copywriter? You’ve done some things. You’d like to do more things. Some of your things are good. You’d like your next ones to be great. You’ve worked on this and that. You’re looking to work on this, that and the other. TV. Radio. Digital. Whatever. The more curious, the better. Oh, and mid-level copywriters can’t be assholes. They have to be seniors to be assholes.” Amen. If you’re interested, contact Craig directly at the address below.
Email Craig: CLikhite@c-k.com