Rafi Kugler, Creative Talent Manager at Draftfcb SF, is looking for both a senior writer (for EA and Kikkoman) and a senior team (for EA). Chris Ford, CCO of Draftfcb, is a good friend of MC and a brilliant writer/CD. If you’re in the market, these are killer gigs. Descriptions and contact info below.
Senior Writer: “DRAFTFCB San Francisco is looking for a senior writer to work on EA and Kikkoman. Senior writer means 5+ years in the business, an understanding of the industry from strategy to production and a hunger to lead. Versatility is key. From The Sims to Dead Space to Kikkoman, writing in different tones is an essential skill. Each game, every Kikkoman campaign, is fully integrated, so fluency in traditional, digital, experiential and experimental thinking is the price of entry. These two accounts have us filming documentaries in Japan, retouching everyone from Katy Perry to David Hasselhoff and visiting France and New York to pick up some shiny objects. The expectation is autonomous operation, plane-landing capacity, client savvy and exceptional work. Videogame interest/experience/mastery a huge plus. No softball skills required.”
Senior Team: “DRAFTFCB San Francisco is looking for a senior team to work on EA. Senior means 5+ years in the business, leading meetings, landing planes and handling projects without constant supervision. Team means we’re looking for people with partners. If there’s no partner, or the current one sucks, we’re open to matchmaking, resurrection and suggestions. EA titles cover a broad range of genres. From first-person-shooters like Medal of Honor, to gory space thrillers like Dead Space, to the playfully naughty Sims, each game requires fully integrated thinking. Anything less is not how we do. This is the client the agency doubles down on. It’s the account that brings home the hardware. From Lions and Pencils, to Hasselhoff and Beckham, this role is a trial by opportunity. Videogame interest/experience/mastery a huge plus. No softball skills required.”
Please send work to Rafi at: rafi.kugler@draftfcb.com