Category Archives: D’Arcy

Ned Selover

Ned is a copywriter at Y&R Paris. So, that means that he gets to live in Paris. That’s number one. Then, you know, because he’s at Y&R Paris, he gets to make all of this awesome stuff. That’s number two. But then, get this: Y&R Paris actually pays him to make that awesome stuff, so he’s not only living in Paris, but making money. Not fair, right? I know. Which gives MC an idea for a new awards show, which MC is going to fully sponsor in 2012. The Hey! Not Fair Awards. Ned Selover is our first nominee.


Martin Peters Ginsborg

Martin is a freelance copywriter in NYC, after having spent time at McCann, mcgarrybowen, Cliff Freeman, D’Arcy and Wunderman. Lots of big idea visual print campaigns in his book. My fave is his Sketchbook (in Extras, third column down). You get to see inside Martin’s brain. Which, no coincidence, is full of big idea visual madness, and I mean that in a very good way. Wish more copywriters included sketchbooks – or something like them – on their sites. How great would it be to see a Janet Champ, Brock Davis, or Max Godsil sketchbook? 
