Category Archives: Jupiter Drawing Room

Keenon Daniels

Keenon Daniels is a copywriter in Cape Town, South Africa (interested in finding a gig in NYC, by the way). Lots of great stuff all over his site, including a couple of categories that are pretty tough: package design and direct mail. Don’t miss his campaign for Musica’s rock star-themed products. Awesome.


Jeff Van Zandt

Jeff is a copywriter/ACD at Cramer-Krasselt in Milwaukee. (Brand new gig, big congrats Jeff.) Check out this note to Jeff from Jason Alexander, after Jason received Jeff’s first script for his Jenny Craig Video Blog, “Jeff, I am literally blown away. Brilliant. I couldn’t have said it better. You truly got my voice down. I have no notes and anyone who knows me knows that is a first. It’s perfect. Go with it and thank you. If I ever run for office you are hired as my official speechwriter. Happy holidays. I’m telling my wife that I am blown away or in the words of George, ‘I am speechless. I am without speech’.” Nice.


Nick Gordon

Nick is a senior copywriter at Jupiter Drawing Room in Cape Town, Ogilvy and Saatchi before that. His site is MC’s first from South Africa and it’s awesome. It’s so interesting to see the humor and the vibe of South Africa in Nick’s work. Some of it, like the above print, could be right out of Europe or the States. But some of the other pieces, especially some of the TV, definitely has a different vibe. 
