Matt Bierce, Copy & Creative Content Manager at Lumen, is on the hunt for a Copywriter (different position than the last Lumen job post on April 12).
From Lumen: “Lumen is a global, Fortune 500 technology company focused on the emerging technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Right now, we’re looking for a smart, energetic and highly creative Copywriter who can talk tech to join our nimble and fully distributed internal agency team.
If you’ve got at least two years of solid copywriting experience under your belt, an upbeat attitude, a love for learning, and a desire to work in a friendly and fast-paced environment, then we’d love to talk! Got tech or agency experience? Now you have our full attention.”
The position is remote, so you can work from anywhere. (Love that.) To learn more and/or to apply, just click the link below.