Category Archives: Martin Williams

Eric Schlauch


Eric is a copywriter/ACD who just moved from Minneapolis to Portland (and is looking for freelance or full-time). Lots of killer headlines up and down his portfolio, including projects for Raymond James, Kubota, and Wolverine (above). Don’t miss his genius Finnegans Reverse Food Truck. Or his Forever 21 Hologram Runway, so cool.


UPDATE: Phil Calvit


Phil is a full-time freelance copywriter in Minneapolis. Since his last post on MC (03.10.14), he’s  added new work to his site and some new shops to his already stupid experience list. From Phil: “There’s no getting around it: I’ve been writing ads and ad-like things for a really long goddamn time. Since 1986, I’ve created stuff for pretty much every conceivable industry, in pretty much every conceivable medium—at, I would contend, a pretty consistently high level. And to think that this kind of experience, and this level of wordsmithing, are available on a freelance basis to one and all…the mind reels.”


Brian Tierney

Brian is a freelance copywriter/CD in Minneapolis. Before going solo he spent time at Fallon (Group CD), CP+B, Carmichael Lynch, and Martin/Williams. Books don’t get much better than this, and I’ll just leave it at that. [Pause] Okay, one more thing. I remember first seeing the above outdoor board with my art director when I was still in SF. We both just freaked out. One of my fave lines EVER. Okay. Done now. 


HONORARY: Brock Davis

Brock Davis is an art director/Group CD at Carmichael Lynch in Minneapolis, and MC’s first Honorary Copywriter. Check out the top link on the left: msced09. It stands for “Make Something Cool Every Day” which Brock did every day of 2009. Scrolling through it will blow your mind. Killer idea after killer idea.
