Category Archives: Experience

Lori Nygaard

Lori is a senior copywriter/ACD in San Francisco, formerly at AKQA, GS&P and W+K. She’s got a bunch of cool interactive work on her site that was done recently, so I apologize for featuring the old milk board above. (Couldn’t help myself.) How about Lori’s site? And old-school Blogger simply titled BOOK. Who needs a fancy site when you have fancy work?


Chris Jacobs

Chris is a copywriter at Arnold, previously at Butler Shine and W+K. About the above ad, Chris writes: “Our campaign for Old Spice Hair & Body Wash pioneered the quasi-science of Hairchetypology. The print work reveals the known hairchetypes, while the online work encourages users to discover their own hair/body profile and what it says about them.” Name a better job than copywriter. Dare you.


Jenn Shreve

Jenn is a copywriter/ACD at Razorfish in NYC. She’s also a writer-writer. From her site: “Jenn has published articles in I.D.ReadyMadeSalonSlate, and Wired, as well as several anthologies. She has also published short stories in Seed and Adbusters, and is the author of two books and a planner.” A copywriter who actually gets her on-the-side writing published. For reals. Tip o’ the hat, Jenn.


Jeff Kerrin

Jeff is a freelance copywriter in San Francisco. Name a good agency in SF, chances are Jeff has written for them over the past 10+ years. So, asks you, what does it take to be a successful freelance writer in SF for that long? Three things. One, a bionic brain. Two, nice person. Three, I don’t know number three. If I knew, I’d be a freelance copywriter in SF like Jeff.


Serena Connelly

Serena is a copywriter/CD at Strawberry Frog in NYC. Love how her portfolio is organized. Digital, Analog, Shiny Prizes, and Resume. Digital is broken out into Branding, Campaigns, Site Redesign, and Interactive Flare. Analog represents the first 10 years of her career on the traditional side, and is broken out into Print and TV. Put it all together, just awesome.
