Shanteka Sigers, SVP/ECD at SandersWingo in Austin (and friend of MC), is looking for copywriters. From Shanteka: “SandersWingo was founded by David Sanders, a copywriter. He once got a 92-second radio spot on the air. He went on daily two-hour hikes and ate whole grains in the ’80s. Most people ate cocaine for breakfast in the ’80s. And most importantly, David Sanders taught that our job is to make things happen right now. I need copywriters in Austin and El Paso. All levels. You’ll work on big brands like AT&T, Burger King and MINI. You’ll work on small brands like Run For The Water, El Paso Electric and the District Attorney of El Paso. The DA let us create an award-winning domestic violence brochure hidden inside a lipstick case, and feng shui his waiting area. I’m looking for some swashbuckling, enterprising, David Sanders-esque copywriters that want to make things happen. Healthy diet optional.” Interested? Contact Shanketa at the address below.
Email Shankteka at: ssigers@sanderswingo.com