Category Archives: WONGDOODY

Spencer McAfee-Gundrum

Spencer McAfee-Gundrum is a senior copywriter at Wongdoody in Seattle where he’s worked on Amazon Blink and Les Schwab Tires over the past year. Before that, he worked at VMLY&R on projects for Microsoft, Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner, and Driscoll’s Berries. He got his start in the industry with six (yes, six) copywriting internships—mostly jobs in college that produced portfolio gems like Get Checked Omaha (including headlines like “HIS AND HERPES,” nice). Dig it.


Kevin Steele

Kevin is a copywriter at WONGDOODY in Los Angeles, been there since May 2010 after graduating from Circus. What a great shop to land at right out of school. Such an awesome time in the career. Getting killer work produced, swapping out student campaigns for real stuff in the book, staying at Shutters when you’re like 25 years old and two nights’ hotel bill is equal to one month’s paycheck. But who cares? You thought up a giant skeleton outdoor board while you were peeing in the shower one morning and someone paid $200k to build the thing. (Just made that up. Not Kevin’s actual story.) Love it.


Gerard Seifert

Gerard is a senior copywriter at WONGDOODY in Los Angeles. People sometimes ask MC, “What’s the right amount of set-up for projects in a portfolio?” Such a hard question to answer because every project is different, right? Right. But, if you had to point to an example of a portfolio with just the right set-up, content and tone, Gerard’s would be an excellent choice.
