Category Archives: Manchester

Ciaran Watkins

Ciaran is a senior copywriter at VML Health in Manchester, UK, previously at Havas and TBWA. One of the best things about MC is getting to see portfolios from all parts of the world and all kinds of product categories. Ciaran’s portfolio is part-pharma, part-consumer and features campaigns for everything from managing MS during the pandemic to getting “That New Toy Feeling” for Smyths Toys Superstores. Toward the end of his portfolio there’s a password-protected project (you’ll need to email him to get the password)—and a catch-all “other stuff I’m proud of” page.


Ben Phillips


Ben is a senior creative at TBWA\Manchester. Since his last post on MC (07.23.2015), he’s been busy. He’s got a killer-looking site (Squarespace), including an awesome video reel landing page. Love all of the amazing characters in his portfolio, from Neal the Sofaworks sloth, to New Westland Safelawn’s Lawn Man (above), to Glen the Rental Car guru, to Ben’s dog who dances to Def Leppard (not kidding). Time for an update!


Ben Phillips


Ben is a senior copywriter at TBWA\Manchester. All kinds of super imaginative projects on his site, including a late-night TV watching sloth for Sofaworks Gogglebox, evil dandelions for Resolva Liquid Shots, animated riders for First Transpennine Express, and the Foamburst Genies (above) for Imperial Leather Foamburst. What a casting session that must have been!
