Van is a copywriter/ACD at space150 in Minneapolis. He was on MC last year (12.09), but has a shiny new site, with interactive work from his first year at space150, that’s definitely worth a new post.
Van is a copywriter/ACD at space150 in Minneapolis. He was on MC last year (12.09), but has a shiny new site, with interactive work from his first year at space150, that’s definitely worth a new post.
Linda is a freelance copywriter in Minneapolis. Before going solo she spent time at Carmichael Lynch, Martin/Williams and Fallon. There’s a smart, gritty edge to a lot of her work: Harley-Davidson, Museum of Death, E*Trade, Mediawise, awesomeness.
Brian is a freelance copywriter/CD in Minneapolis. Before going solo he spent time at Fallon (Group CD), CP+B, Carmichael Lynch, and Martin/Williams. Books don’t get much better than this, and I’ll just leave it at that. [Pause] Okay, one more thing. I remember first seeing the above outdoor board with my art director when I was still in SF. We both just freaked out. One of my fave lines EVER. Okay. Done now.
Brock Davis is an art director/Group CD at Carmichael Lynch in Minneapolis, and MC’s first Honorary Copywriter. Check out the top link on the left: msced09. It stands for “Make Something Cool Every Day” which Brock did every day of 2009. Scrolling through it will blow your mind. Killer idea after killer idea.
Kent is a copywriter at CP+B, and was at Carmichael Lynch, element79 and DDB Chicago before that. His site is a classic blog format, everything on one page, which I find super easy to navigate. He’s got a great mix of work in his book, including a slick new site for Diamond Crystal Salt, hilarious Ted Ferguson TV and Real Men of Genius radio for Bud Light, and a campaign for Harley-Davidson featuring Marissa Miller. Enough said.
Mike is a copywriter at Fallon in Minneapolis. All of the work on his site is awesome, but the print is what really gets me. The guy can just flat out write.
Portfolio: Click here
Van is a copywriter/ACD at space150 in Minneapolis, and before that design shop Little & Co, and before that design shop Carmichael Lynch Thorburn. You can tell Van knows exactly how to write for designers. His book is gorgeous.
Dane is a copywriter at space150. Officially, that makes him an interactive copywriter. But he also makes cool stuff like this biz card mural for space150’s NYC office. (They change their identity every 150 days.) Genius.
Joel’s book is filled with absolutely fantastic print writing. Not that the rest of his stuff isn’t awesome,
but man. His print is just spectacular.
Casey is a copywriter who, in his spare time, founded and runs the creative blog/thing known as Superbeast. In his own words, “Superbeast Creative is a collaboration of advertising creatives, designers, artists, and musicians around the world. Ideally we would like this blog to be a meeting ground to discuss various things that are awesome. Join. Conquer!”