Category Archives: Winston-Salem

Gil Templeton

Gil is a copywriter at The Variable in Winston-Salem, NC. Sometimes you click through a writer’s portfolio and you can just tell how much fun they had making it—and you can see how they made the most of the opportunities that came to them. That’s definitely case with Gil’s site, from Beer Hunting Season for Lowes Foods, to his writing for Oklahoma Joe’s Smokers, to his videos for Peanut Better (wow). Dig it.


Sarah Mosseller

Sarah is a copywriter at Mullen in Winston-Salem, NC. Her book is right at that stage when it’s half-produced (four projects), half-spec (five projects), and you get to see both. Fun for those of us looking through it, but a painful time for creatives. What goes in? What comes out? Produced is worth more than spec, but by how much? Arg.


Rich Black

Rich is a senior copywriter at Mullen in North Carolina. The biz card above is so cool I wanted to feature it in his post, but it’s not really representative of Rich’s work. He’s a headline writer. A good one. That’s so rare these days, I feel like I should put it in all caps. ALERT. AWESOME HEADLINE WRITER. 
