Big ups to Katie Samuelson and the one and only Chad Rea, amazing Austin writer/CD (and good friend to MC), who helped MC put together University of Texas at Austin Week. So many amazing creatives get their start at UT, one of the few traditional universities with a legit advertising program (along with VCU and Oregon). Can’t wait to see where this year’s grads land!
Brennen Cooke: brennencooke.com
Carolyn Hinojosa: carlynhinojosa.myportfolio.com
Charlotte Lichtenheld: charlottelichtenheld.com/work
Joy Kim: joykim.work
Kaie Samuelson: katiesamuelsen.com
Lexi Acevedo: alexisacevedo.squarespace.com
Marisa Valente: marisavalente.com
Art Directors
Angela Dai: angeladai.com
Bolero Munkhbold: boloramunkhbold.com
Chelsea Tijerina: chelseasheadspace.com
Drew Butler: drewbcreative.com
Jake Leber: jakeleber.myportfolio.com
Madeline Cuba: madelinecuba.com
Madii Poirot: madelinepoirot.com