Category Archives: Copywriters

Adam Koehler


Adam is a copywriter/ACD at McCann in NYC. Since his last post on MC (back on 8.08.12), he’s added projects for Microsoft, CFP and Progressive (awesome Flo print campaign). He’s also written a book, The Path To Unenlightenment. Anytime you get to say, “Since the last time I was here I’ve written a book” you’re good. Dig it.


Mike Tsapos


Mike is a freelance ACD/copywriter currently at Leo Burnett in Chicago. He’s got a crazy variety of projects on his Behance site—from BMW Motorcycles to ESPN/Die Hard 4 co-branding, a campaign for the American Association of Railroads to a commercial for featuring, well, you’ll just have to see that one for yourself. (MC only looked at the left side, FYI.)


Stephie Coplan


Stephie is a junior copywriter at kbs+ in NYC. Before advertising, she was in Stephie Coplan & The Pedestrians, a band that charted #15 on the rock radio in 2012 with “JERK!” So what do you get when you combine advertising and rock n’ roll? For one thing, the best on-hold music track ever. Don’t miss the song Stephie wrote, produced and performed for Windstream (telco in Little Rock, AK). Dig it.


Ben Phillips


Ben is a senior copywriter at TBWA\Manchester. All kinds of super imaginative projects on his site, including a late-night TV watching sloth for Sofaworks Gogglebox, evil dandelions for Resolva Liquid Shots, animated riders for First Transpennine Express, and the Foamburst Genies (above) for Imperial Leather Foamburst. What a casting session that must have been!


Frank Cartagena

Frank Cartagena _3

Frank is a copywriter/creative director at Deutsch in NYC. Since his last post on MC (almost exactly five years ago on 07.29.10), he’s gone from junior copywriter at Hill Holiday in Boston, to Arnold, to DDB, to Deutsch, created some amazing projects, and won a billion awards. Don’t miss his work for WATERisLIFE, including HashTag Killer (above). Just awesome.


Scott Spooner


Scott is a copywriter at The Richards Group in Dallas. Since his last post on MC (05.15.12), he’s spent time at Goodby and Firehouse, added all kinds of projects to his portfolio, and is now back in Dallas at Richards. Don’t miss his transit posters for the National Cheerleaders Association (above) and his TV spots for Cisco—which explain a complicated product in a simple, engaging way. Awesome.


Zak Stawski


Zak is a copywriter at Swirl in San Francisco. He’s got a beautiful Squarespace site that shows off a crazy variety of projects for the University of Michigan Health System (above), Zipcar, Federal Student Aid,, the U.S Food & Drug Administration, and a social media campaign for two falcons who laid their eggs on the agency roof. Why not?


Josh Gordon


Since his first post on MC (04.11.14) right after graduating from Miami Ad School NYC (and University of Oregon before that, go Ducks!), Josh has worked with R/GA, Barker DZP, and RICG. He’s also got a whole new site with projects for SlimFast, IDB Bank, Alcoholics Anonymous, Miele, Mercedes-Benz, and others. Time for an update.


Team Arnie


Copywriter Austin Campbell (USA) and Art Director Axel Spendlingwimmer (Austria) have joined forces after graduating from Miami Ad School Hamburg to form Team Arnie. As in, Schwarzenegger. They’re currently looking for their first gig in Germany, London, Paris, or Amsterdam. Turn on your volume before visiting their site (above). It’s ridiculous.


Keith Saunders


Keith is a freelance copywriter/ACD in NYC. He’s got a crazy mix of projects in his portfolio, including the above National Geographic-inspired video for DSW. Which is exactly how MC feel shopping for kicks there. (Nailed it.) He’s also included a page for his Quarter-Career Gap Year, which is just a brilliant idea for all writers. Love it.


Mark Hohenschau


Mark is a writer/ACD at Y&R Chicago. Since his last post on MC (way back on 10.25.10), he’s revamped his site and loaded it with all kinds of new projects: Tyson Anytizers (above, “I’m starrrving!”), Dunkin’ Donuts, Progressive, Ocean Spray, Volvo, and more. Way past time for an update. Way past time for MC to heat up some Boneless Chicken Wyngz. Not kidding.


Bowen Mendelson


Bowen is a copywriter/CD at Ogilvy in Chicago, soon to be freelance in San Francisco. Since his last post on MC (01.14.13), he’s completely revamped his site and added a ton of new work, including brilliant 15-second Instagram vids for the Hemingway Foundation (above). Love ’em.


Chicago Portfolio School Week – Spring 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of nine Chicago Portfolio School graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):

Adam Bedol –

Amanda Burger – 

Vikram Chadda-

Kelly Foreman –

Martha Murphy –

Jeff Polaschek –

Lyndsey Stormer –

Kevin Tosi –

John Wrend –

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Kevin Tosi & Adam Bedol



After graduating from CPS, Kevin is now at HY Connect in Chicago and Adam will soon be at R/GA in New York. In addition to awesome student portfolios, while at CPS they also created Darn Good Baloney, a podcast of interviews with ad industry titans like Jeff Goodby, Susan Credle, Matt Moore, Ross Fletcher, and … others of great import and huge influence. Dig it.

Adam’s portfolio:

Kevin’s portfolio:

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Martha Murphy


Martha graduated from CPS and is now interning at WONGDOODY in Los Angeles. What else has she done? Check out her About Me page for 9 truths and 1 boldfaced lie. She’s a new copywriter who’s already had some good adventures. And good adventures make good stories. And good stories are what being a writer is all about.


Chicago Portfolio School Week – Amanda Burger


Chicago Portfolio School Week on MC kicks off with Amanda Burger, who’s going to be freelancing at Leo Burnett in Chicago after graduation. (Huge congrats!) Also, huge thanks to Amanda who helped MC put together CPS Week on MC 2015 by gathering everyone’s links, getting the a-ok to post, and sending them all in. Love it.



U of Texas at Austin Week 2015 – CW Grads


Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of 13 2015 University of Texas at Austin graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):

Mary Adams Bode –

Warner Boin –

Hayden Butler –

Allison Burzlaff –

Jason Cahill –

Rachel Dawer –

Colleen Hoofard –

Lauren Lakin –

Cynthia Osborn –

Kait Pennybacker –

Lacey Rouse –

Hannah Sanderson –

Lulu Wimberly –