Category Archives: Copywriters

Elizabeth King


Elizabeth is a copywriter/ACD at Kirshenbaum in NYC. She’s got tons of awesome work for BMW all over her site, and that’s really what MC should have featured above. But then, as Elizabeth put it, “Diamonds are a copywriter’s best friend.” Don’t miss Wall Street Journal Print, with side-by-side ads for the BMW 6 and 7 … Sterling, Draper … so good.


UPDATE: Bevan Mahaney


Bevan is a copywriter in NYC. Since her last post on MC (6.10.13), she’s added a bunch of new work to her site including “Spread the Jam” for the Jam Wireless Speaker. Which looks like a giant food fight (with different flavored jams) slash rave on the streets of NYC. At some point, there was a producer who had to order a permit for that. “So, yeah, we’ve got these buckets of jam …”


Emily Akins


Emily is a copywriter at Energy BBDO in Chicago. Bunch of fun work on her site, including “Best Lunch Notes from Mom” for Ziploc (39k submissions, nice), and “How Attractive Are You?” (to mosquitos) for OFF!. Sorry, Emily. In that one lone category, MC is actually the most attractive person on earth.


Phil Calvit


Phil is a freelance copywriter in Minneapolis. Over the past 20+ years he’s spent time at just about every great shop in Minneapolis, including Barrie D’Rozario Murphy, Carmichael Lynch, Fallon, Hill Holiday, and Leonard Monahan Lubars. He’s also written a bunch of work that makes MC flat-out jealous, like the above spot for United, with VO by Robert Redford. Geez.


Dave Kuhl


Dave is a senior writer at ViTRO in San Diego, previously at Arnold, Leo Burnett, SapientNitro, and MMB. All kinds of killer work up and down his site for a crazy variety of clients, including Asics (the marathon treadmill is genius), Dodge Ram, Truth, Jack Daniel’s, Bahamas, Alaska Communications, Red Sox, and Radio Shack. Love it.


Brett Brown


Brett is a freelance/permalance senior copywriter in NYC. He shares a site with AD/creative partner/spouse Krista Brown, who submitted it to MC. All kinds of cool stuff in their portfolio, including work for Acura, Carl’s Jr., Harley, and an Armored Tailgating Vehicle for Union Bank. But, work aside, can we just pause here for a moment and applaud a married freelance/permalance creative team who still likes each other enough to do something nice, like submit their site to a little industry blog that specializes in what the other person does? Love that.


Bernie Watt


Bernie is a copywriter/former punk rocker from Brisbane, Australia, who is about to land in the States with a Green Card/Diversity Visa and will be, well, ready to rock. It’s not often MC features direct mail in a post, but the above piece for Suncorp Insurance is pretty genius. Lots of other good stuff all over Bernie’s site, too. Looking forward to seeing where he lands!


Dave Gordon


Dave is a copywriter at Saatchi & Saatchi NY. He shares a site with creative partner/AD Juan Leguizamon (both are pictured above, auditioning for their CW/AD roles, funny), called From their About page: “We believe in burning midnight oil for work we believe in and that the best way to do something is to stop talking about it and do it.” Amen, brother.


UPDATE: Will Bright


Will is a copywriter/CD in NYC. Since his last post on MC (05.24.2012), he’s got a ton of new work up on his site, including the above spot for the new BMWi launch that’s running during the Olympics—which kicked off this weekend in Sochi. In fact, MC just saw it while watching Luge. Dig it.


UPDATE: Chad Rea


Chad is a copywriter/CD/entrepreneur/performer in Austin. Since his last post on MC (02.10.10), he’s got a ton of new work up on his site, launched like eight new companies, written and performed sketch comedy, done a bunch of voiceover work, and made some awesome silkscreen posters (including “Let’s Have a Meeting about a Meeting” above). MC gets tired just trying to sum it all up in one post. Tired, and inspired. Love it. This is what being a CW/idea factory is all about.


Vera Springett


Vera is a creative lead/ACD at Avenue Marketing & Communications in Chicago, previously in-house at University of Phoenix. Lots of the work in her portfolio is collateral/digital that’s more informational than marketing, which means that there’s lots and lots of writing. Which is what lots of lots of companies are looking for in a copywriter, you know?


Josh Leutz


Josh is a copywriter/ACD at Butler Shine Stern & Partners in Sausalito. His portfolio rocks. MC’s been hearing a bit of poo-pooing lately about Cargo—that while it’s clean, you can’t get the modern look you can with Squarespace. Might be true. And MC digs them both. But Josh’s portfolio proves that, if you’ve got the content, super-clean super-easy-to-nav is all you need.


Chicago Portfolio School Week | Fall/Winter 2013


Ladies and gents, MC proudly presents the portfolio sites of 10 Chicago Portfolio School copywriter grads (in alphabetical order):

Adam Repp –

Andy Hunt –

Audrey Hansen –

Bridget Natale –

Caroline Ganson –

Justin Lake –

Lyndsey Tonyan –

Sam Bordignon –

Sarah Kennedy –

Sean Collander –

Chicago Portfolio School Week: Justin Lake


Chicago Portfolio School Week Wednesday features the one and only Justin Lake. Don’t miss Justin’s D&AD-winning campaign Be Average to combat obesity in the UK. “Since half the population is currently performing below average when it comes to physical activity, we decided to encourage the people of the UK to forget about overachieving and just Be Average!” Good times.


Mark Fulara


Mark is a copywriter at Avenue in Chicago. Branding Clarke company cars with a line that communicates both why the person driving the car is spraying chemicals and environmental friendliness is no easy task. But Mark’s line, “Love the Earth. Not mosquitoes.” is pretty much spot on. Especially if you’ve lived anywhere there are lots of mosquitoes. Hate. Mosquitoes.


Creative Circus | Fall/Winter 2013


Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of seven Fall/Winter 2013 Creative Circus graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):

Marielle Castillo –

Madison Jackson –

William Knox –

Chris Potts –

Mark Price –

Craig Shervin (with AD/partner Andrew Lindsey) –

Meredith Young –