Category Archives: Copywriters

Chicago Portfolio School Week – CW Grads

Ladies and gentlemen, MC proudly presents the portfolio sites of 17 Chicago Portfolio School 2013 copywriter grads (in alphabetical order):

Amy Bauer –

Brittany Hughes –

Chelsea Berger –

Garrett Vernon –

Hassan S. Ali –

Jackie Suerth –

Jennifer Smith –

John Olson –

Julia Weeman –

Kat Ponting –

Kelsey Alfredson –

Lauren Fodero –

Leighanne Steckbeck –

Matt Bush –

Michelle Grano –

Pat Whalen –

Tom Katers –

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Leighanne Steckbeck

From Leighanne’s What’s A Leighanimal? page, under the heading What I Learned At Portfolio School: “Big ideas are king. Which means puns are either peasants or serfs. How to explain to outsiders that copywriting has nothing to do with being a lawyer. The stranger your idea the better; your partner is always there to reel you back in. Or to tell you to stop talking. I can’t help but play devil’s advocate while brainstorming, which is a blessing but often feels like a curse. Celebrity endorsed ads are mostly crap (with the exception of Nicolas Cage).” Amen.


VCU Brandcenter Week 2013 – CW Grads

Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of the 2013 VCU Brandcenter graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):

Adam Tetreault:

Andrew Kong:

Atain Ibia:

Chris Martin:

Christina Semak:

Daniel Chen:

Don Principe:

Evelynne Scholnick:

Faye Ibars:

Gary Baker:

Ian Downey:

Kai Neddersen:

Katlyn Williams:

Maddison Bradley:

Mary Gross:

Matt Meszaros:

Matt Skibiak:

Megan Winterhalter:

Michelle Lamont:

Taylor Schumaker:

Zac Milner:

VCU Brandcenter Week 2013 – Andrew Kong

So hard to pick which VCU CW grad portfolios to feature during VCU Brandcenter Week! They’ve all got something special about them. Don’t miss Andrew’s Botot radio (the world’s first toothpaste, created for King Louis XV, who knew?), and Shun Cutlery campaign (Honor Haiku, funny). Nice to see some creativity in brand/client selection. Good times.


VCU Brandcenter Week 2013 – Kai Neddersen

VCU Brandcenter Week! Love it. And Kai is a perfect start to the week. He was an intern copywriter at inHouse, Target’s fabulous internal creative department, back in 2010, when MC was a Creative Manager there. Kai could have probably gone right from that internship into a job, but instead decided that he wanted to learn more. He didn’t just want a good first job, he wanted a great first job, and he recognized that what he needed to get it was, well, VCU. Now, couple of years later, here he is, graduating from VCU, and that’s crazy awesome. Congrats, Kai!


Richard Tseng

Rich is a copywriter in Boston, formerly at Arnold. Actually, he was recently let go by Arnold, which would be a bummer for anyone. However, Rich took the opportunity to write his colleagues a good-bye email that is, in his words, “at least as good as any of the other stuff I wrote while I was there.” Check out his email on AgencySpy here. Or check out his other stuff by clicking on the link below.


Helena Heras

Helena is a new copywriter in NYC, having recently graduated from Miami Ad School in March. (Site submitted by Dhruv Nanda, big ups.) Being a great copywriter means coming up with great ideas. Check out Helena’s app Safe & Sound, which tells you the safest walking route home according to crime reports, open stores and people’s reviews. Why doesn’t that exist already? Or her Radiohead Lights app, which gives concertgoers access to other concertgoers’ smartphone video, so everyone can edit multi-camera music videos. Yes, please.


Cole Orloff

Cole is a copywriter at Plan B in Chicago. His portfolio site is all words. (Brilliant.) Instead of thumbnails, you nav through big words. MC loves that. MC is totally geeking out on that, but it’s ok because that’s what CWs do with words. Big ups, Cole.


Rod Goodman

Rod is a copywriter/CD in Louisville who’s been doing the contract/freelance thing for awhile now. It’s interesting to see how permalancers market themselves through their portfolio sites—the difference between selling your skills to land clients/projects versus landing a job. The work is the work, but how it’s presented is so different.


UPDATE: Howard Hill

Howard is a senior CW in Los Angeles. Since his last post on MC (03.28.11) he’s updated from Krop to Cargo and added some killer new work, including pieces for Sony’s Xperia Studio and Americans Elect. About the latter, from Howard: “We tried to use the internet to nominate a president. That one didn’t work out but it was worth a shot because someone’s going to do it eventually.”


UPDATE: Scott Shalles

Scott is a copywriter/ACD at STIR in Milwaukee. Since his last post on MC (9/21/10), he’s put together a new site with all kinds of new work for clients like Cousin’s Subs, Milwaukee Riverkeeper, and Agnesian Healthcare. Check out his campaign for the Wisconsin State Fair, which includes a video featuring Bacon Boy, a talking pig doll, hunting for a Fair date (woman, not sow).


James Schmidtke

James is a junior copywriter/visual artist in Austin looking for his first CW gig. He went to school in L.A. for TV Production/New Media/Advertising at Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communication. Then studied copywriting and interactive at The Book Shop. Clicking through this site, it’s 90% visual arts and 10% copywriting. Thing is, so many shops/companies are looking to add in-house video capability, someone out there might think that’s just fine.
