Category Archives: Copywriters

James Maravetz

James is a copywriter/CD at Crispin in Boulder. (This is a good one, kids.) All kinds of fantastic work on his site for brands like MetLife, Xerox, Arby’s, Vitaminwater, and Under Armour (campaign for women—nicely done, sir). Don’t miss the bottom link, ME/WORK EXPERIENCE. Loud, proud and …


Michael Grant

Michael is a copywriter at Eleven in San Francisco. (His link was submitted to MC by fellow CW Chris Elzinga, big ups.) Lots of really fun work on his site for an awesome mix of clients like Sun Valley, Nike Baseball, Square, Spiderman 3, Virgin, and Black Star Beer (see above trophy). Don’t miss Skippy, the stone skipping robot. Good thing MC didn’t find Skippy when he was live online. Would have been five days of complete un-productivity.


Dan Peterson

Dan is a senior copywriter/brand strategist at Urban Influence in Seattle. He’s also an official MLB scorekeeper for the Seattle Mariners (awesome). Huge range of work in his portfolio, including spots for Rhapsody, Epipheo videos, a review in Antennae Magazine, sandwich boards, and even a little iPhone photography.


Dave Carlson

Dave is a copywriter in Los Angeles. The first item in his portfolio is Inspiration Trip: “In 2011, my wife and I left Los Angeles with a one-way ticket to Istanbul and traveled the world. We were gone for 264 nights and slept in 72 different beds.” (Beds above.) Dave’s back in L.A., currently freelancing at Mistress. MC’s #1 2013 resolution: some kind of Inspiration Trip. Even it’s 2 nights instead of 264.


Elizabeth King

Elizabeth is a senior copywriter at Kirshenbaum NYC. She’s got a ton of killer stuff for BMW up on her site, plus De Beers, Starz, Smirnoff, Wendy’s, awesome. From her Elizabeth King • Copywriter page: “Advertising is not for those who like things winded. Long copy is dead. We’re no longer writers, we’re thinkers, right?” Hmm, wonders MC. Writers = thinkers. Maybe there just aren’t any readers left?


Chris Gilbert

Chris will be graduating from Art Center College of Design this Saturday, December 15th. (His site was submitted by fellow student Brenton Covington—thanks, Brenton.) First, a huge congrats to Chris from MC on graduating. Love it. Second, it’s not often that Art Center College of Design graduates a copywriter, which makes his site even more interesting to check out. Again, love it.


Matei Curtasu

Matei is a 23-year-old Romanian digital writer (recent graduate of Miami Ad School Hamburg) currently in NYC. His site is organized by year, so it’s easy to nav through his student work, and then what he did during internships at Saatchi Moscow and BBDO NYC. It’s interesting—to see what’s in a graduating digital writer’s portfolio at the end of 2012. While most of it is digital or based on digital concepts, a lot of the work is non-digital. Makes you wonder, where’s the line? Will there be such a thing as a digital writer in Dec 2013 or 2014? Or will we all just be writers again? Hmm.


Sarah Weigl

Sarah is a copywriter at Sanders/Wingo in Austin. (Her site was submitted by Nikki Lott at Integer. High-five, Nikki.) One of the things MC enjoys most, going through a CW’s portfolio, is seeing their personality come through the work. Spend 30 seconds on Sarah’s site, and you see it. Bad-ass. Also, be sure to check out her rad blog Badder Homes & Gardens, with Nikki and Krista Hogg. Awesome.


Kapil Kachru

Kapil is a freelance writer/CD in Boston. Before going full-time global freelance superstar, he spent five years at Modernista!, but really MC can’t list everywhere he’s worked because it’s pretty much everywhere awesome. As copywriters, what we do is commerce and art. Some a little more commerce. Some a little more art. When you land on Kapil’s site, you immediately know. It’s art.


Erik Fahrenkopf

Erik is a copywriter/CD at Goodby in San Francisco. He shares a portfolio site with partner/AD Anthony Decarolis, and their work is just ridiculous awesome. MC had a tough time selecting which piece to feature, but you can’t go wrong with Cheetos Flamin’ Hot fingers dialing 911. Brilliant.


Mike Fisher

Mike is a copywriter/CD in Dallas. He spent a serious chunk of time at The Richards Group (12 years), and his Behance portfolio is full of all kinds of Home Depot work—including the above billboard that hung at Texas Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys, owned by Jerry Jones. MC is neutral in all matters, and respects all 50 states, including Texas which is home to more than one great city and many, many awesome, creative people. But there’s no denying it. There’s only one Texas.


UPDATE: Mike Ward

Mike is a VP/ACD/Copywriter at Leo Burnett Chicago. He’s got a redesigned site for a portfolio so good it’s scary. (Sorry. Halloween. It’s allowed.) The writing is flat-out amazing. MC recommends clicking through Categories: Print. Or, just go for it and click Categories: All Work. So much awesomeness.


Chicago Portfolio School Week – CW Grads

Ladies and gentlemen, MC presents the portfolio sites of nine Chicago Portfolio School October 2012 copywriter grads (in alphabetical order):

Alex Gavin –

Bettina Kozlowski –

Courtney McCormack –

David Drake –

Eddie Rybarski –

Jared Perkins –

Larry Scott –

Molly Lartz –

Paul Thelen –

Chicago Portfolio School Week – David Drake

MC’s said it before and we’ll say it again. Surfers, drummers and comedians make the best copywriters. David is a new copywriter fresh out of CPS and a stand-up comedian, and we’re talking real-deal. As in, named the “Best of the Midwest” by the Iowa Comedy Festival. What agency doesn’t need more funny?
