Category Archives: Copywriters

Dana Tiel

Dana is a copywriter at SapientNitro in NYC. She’s got “copywriting + art direction” on her rez, and that’s no joke—there are strong visual concepts all over her site. Be sure to check out:, Saw 3D, Tiffany’s “Eraser”,, Red Stripe, and City Harvest grocery/stomach bags (above).


Ann Titus

Ann is a copywriter/ACD at Euro RSCG in Chicago. The title of her site is “Fearless Copywriter in a Twisted World.” MC likes that. It is a twisted world. And CWs do have to be fearless when it’s time to put the words down on the paper. Or type the pixels onto the screen. Or present the stuff to the room. Or click open the email with the subject line “RND 1 FEEDBACK” with the red “!” next to it.


Brian Button

Brian is a writer at AKQA in San Francisco. You know what’s fun? Clicking through someone’s portfolio, and you see they’ve got a big Tony Stewart TV spot on there, one of TBS’ Funniest Commercials of 2010. That’s first. Then, you skip down to what’s last, in the Other Stuff section, and you find a headshot of Brian on socks and tighty whities, proudly gifted to and displayed by his family at holiday time. You just. I mean. You can’t beat that.


Andrew Baker

Andrew is a freelance copywriter/CD in the States and Asia. He loves cars. All kinds of cars. And he’s on a mission to do work for as many car brands as he can: Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Scion, Cadillac, Acura, Infiniti, the list goes on. Gotta say, if you’re going to pick a category to go after, cars is a good one. Andrew’s site has a page titled Super Bowl TV, and he’s got four spots up there. Nice.


Steve Rabosky

Steve is a copywriter/CD in Los Angeles, formerly CCO of Dailey, Saatchi LA and Ammirati London, and ECD of Chiat. Plus, one of the nicest guys in the biz. His site is so loaded with classic work for clients like Apple, Energizer and Toyota, it was nearly impossible to choose what to feature in this post. The frame above is from a Honda Fury spot. Sick.


Paul Suggett

Paul is a copywriter/copy director at Starz Entertainment in Denver. His site was submitted by British Bulldog, an AD in London (thanks much). How nice is that? Your former AD submits your site to MC because you’ve been doing some killer work and the people need to see it. You know, if countries would behave like creative teams the world would be a … well, nevermind.
