Aaron is a copywriter/CD at Sarkissian Mason in NYC. His portfolio rocks. Just a fantastic crazy swirl of digital, experiential, virtual new world awesomeness. Get ready to geek out on this one. Love it.
Portfolio: aaronsedlak.com
Aaron is a copywriter/CD at Sarkissian Mason in NYC. His portfolio rocks. Just a fantastic crazy swirl of digital, experiential, virtual new world awesomeness. Get ready to geek out on this one. Love it.
Portfolio: aaronsedlak.com
Joel is a senior copywriter at Integer in Denver. Don’t misses: CAT, Hooked On Phonics and NatureMade (print), falling snowflakes for Big Bear (TV), and an executive meltdown for Cisco (interactive).
Portfolio: joelmaron.com
Ross is a junior copywriter at R/GA in NYC. One of MC’s fave things about portfolio sites is checking out what people did before they became copywriters. What lead them to a life of copywriting? For example, between May and July of 2006, Ross was a professional Ghost Hunter for Supernatural Occurrence Studies in Chicago. It’s like, duh. How else are you going to follow that up?
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/rosswolinsky
Michael is a senior copywriter at AJF Partnership in Melbourne, Australia. So cool to see portfolios from around the globe. So cool to compare humor and tone. To MC, the States and Australia aren’t too far apart, probably even closer than the States and the UK. Interesting.
Portfolio: michaelskarbek.com
Kathy is a copywriter/ACD at Proof in Austin. If you’re a sucker for crazy animation/illustration like MC, check out Kathy’s campaign for Heritage Boot Elves. (In Broadcast, second to the last spot.) Bonus points for Spanish with subtitles.
Portfolio: kathyfarley.com
Aimee is a copywriter/ACD in Chicago. Her site was submitted by fellow CW Mike Tuton (big ups), and it’s easy to see why. All kids of awesome work for a cool variety of clients like Adidas, Sorel, Tilex, Piperllime and Chipotle. She’s also started a new card company called Brain Surgeons & Rocket Scientists (link below). Love it.
Portfolio: withtwoees.com
Cards: bsandrs.com
Roger is a copywriter at Arnold Boston. Each of the campaigns on his site is represented by a TV star of the 80’s. Funny. I spent a few minutes trying to determine if there was some link between a star and his/her campaign, but quit when I hit Alf for Progressive Truck Insurance. In addition to work for Progressive, Carnival and McDonald’s, Roger’s got a little stand-up on his site. Once again proving MC’s theory that surfers, drummers and comedians make awesome copywriters.
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/rogerfish
Anthony is a copywriter in Birmingham, AL. He’s incorporated as Battery Ads, and his site is part personal portfolio, part one-man shop. Which brings up an interesting question, especially relevant to 2012. As a freelance creative, at what point do you make the switch from individual writer to small biz? And to what degree?
Portfolio: batteryads.com
James is a copywriter at McCann in Birmingham, UK. He shares a shiny new Cargo site with art director Tim Jones, and they’ve added all kinds of new work to it, including Vauxhall, Harley-Davidson and Avis. Don’t miss: McCann Birmingham Recruitment. Wonder how that would that play in the States?
Portfolio: timandjames.co.uk
Newt is a TV writer/new copywriter, breaking into the ad biz after years writing for the likes of Jimmy Kimmel and The Tonight Show. His portfolio is small and spec, but you can see where it’s headed. Fame and fortune is MC’s prediction.
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/newtcox
Mark is a copywriter/ACD in NYC. There’s a killer variety of work on his site for clients ranging from Corona to Mitsubishi to Washington Mutual. But don’t leave without checking out his Personal section. Mark’s also a talented singer/songwriter, voiceover guy and photographer. His blog, Fucked Umbrellas, features pics of broken umbrellas abandoned on the streets of NYC along with captions of what each umbrella’s owner might have been thinking. In Haiku.
Portfolio: markradcliffe.com
Mike is a copywriter at Brunner in Pittsburgh. He put mullets on parking meters for Supercuts. “Has your haircut expired?” That’s funny. Anything with mullets is funny.
Portfolio: mikelatshaw.com
Bob is a copywriter/CD in Boulder and a fellow Duck (go Ducks!). In his Outdoor section, he has a campaign for the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame that features “the longest copy outdoor ads in American advertising.” About 10,500 words each. That’s what we like to see on MC. Only one complaint. Wish we could zoom in to read all of those beautiful words.
Portfolio: bobrickert.com
Jeff is a copywriter at 22squared in Tampa. He’s got a ton of Buffalo Wild Wings work in his book, including a print campaign for their 18 signature sauces. Which got MC to thinking, how has MC never been to a Buffalo Wild Wings? Hello, New Year’s Resolution #1. Nice to meet you.
Portfolio: jeffpospichal.com
John is a student copywriter at Creative Circus who’s about to graduate. (Got a theme going this week.) You have to like a creative who is both confident and self-depricating. Someone who can dress it up and laugh in the mirror. And judging from John’s site (check out his “About I” link), he does both. Look out advertising, here comes John Ennis.
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/myadshere
Christian is a 22-year-old student copywriter who’s graduating from Miami Ad School Europe at the end of December. His site’s called The Banner Theory, and it’s crazy on the eyes. Like Netscape Navigator circa 1995. Hilarious.
Portfolio: thebannertheory.com
Friend of MC, genius copywriter and brilliant human being Chris Ford is back in the States (and the Bay Area) as CCO at Draftfcb. He’s also got a new Cargo site that’s just loaded. Welcome home, Ford.
Portfolio: chrisford.tv
Caroline is a copywriter at MTV in NYC. She gets to put words in Beevis and Butthead’s mouths for a living. So awesome. In honor of its awesomeness, we shall reprint here Beavis’s famous class Haiku:
Huh huh, huh huh huh
huh huh mmm, uh huh huh huh
huh huh, huh huh huh.
Portfolio: dangdood.com
Jason is a copywriter/ACD/VP at McCann in Los Angeles. MC saved this one special for the holiday, because it’s deep (22 projects) and fun. Think of it as an excuse for getting away from the fam for a little breather. “Going to go down to the basement for a few, Uncle Herm. Got to check out this big portfolio site.” Don’t forget to grab a bottle of something on your way down. And a turkey leg.
Portfolio: krop.com/jasonrappaport
MC is two years old this month. To celebrate, I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m posting my own site. Which is both exciting and terrifying. To everyone who’s sent a link to MC over the past two years, the CWs, friends of CWs, schools, students, CDs, ADs, spouses, and that one Mom, thank you. It’s been a blast. Let’s keep it going.
Portfolio: jasonsiciliano.com
Caroline is a senior copywriter at Digitas in Chicago. Don’t miss: Starburst. So true: the asterisk* on her Post adult cereals campaign. “Try talking about the natural advantage of fiber without having it sound like poop.” Word.
Portfolio: imcaroline.com
Brent is a copywriter/CD at Meers in Kansas City. You know what looks awesome in a portfolio? Photos of work in real life. Almost all of the campaigns on Brent’s site are presented in awesome photography, and it just looks stellar.
Portfolio: andbrent.com
Max is a copywriter at WAX in Calgary. Yes, it rhymes. What do you do when you’re handed a brief for boring insurance? If you’re Max, you make a boring campaign (above). Great line, from Max’s Calgary International Film Festival campaign: “Film Festival? I think my wife already donates to them.”
Portfolio: iammaxmay.com
Caroline is a digitally-inclined copywriter/designer at Denuo in Chicago. It could be an old-school thing, but whenever MC sees a portfolio that lists someone as a writer/designer, we hold our breath. Caroline is the real deal though. Plus, she’s got the digital thing. Can someone say “extremely marketable in the current industry environment”? MC can.
Portfolio: caroline-chen.com
Matt is a freelance copywriter in Los Angeles. His link was sent in by friend of MC, Karyn Campbell (at IdeaLists). The work on his site made me shoot coffee out my nose.
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/mattheath
Erin is a copywriter at The Richards Group in Dallas. She graduated from Portfolio Center in 2010, so her site has both of student and produced work—16 campaigns in all. So cool to see what someone did in school, and then what they do as soon as they land. Such an awesome time in the CW journey.
Portfolio: mypencilhasapoint.com
Jessi is a senior copywriter at Kuhn & Wittenborn Advertising in Kansas City. Explore her site and the links on it, and you’ll find about 50% copywriting and 50% other writing: blogs, poetry, posters, etc. Which makes sense, seeing as how she started life as a magazine writer/editor. Copywriters come from everywhere. MC likes that.
Portfolio: cargocollective.com/jessihamilton
Mark is a copywriter/CD in NYC. All kinds of awesome work on his site, including a mini-campaign within the MasterCard Priceless campaign about a boy and his Zamboni. And check out kissinglink.com for Dentyne. Who have the people you’ve kissed kissed?
Portfolio: markborcherding.org
Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of the Fall 2011 Creative Circus graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):
Peter Berta – peterwberta.com
Amanda Caldari – cargocollective.com/amandacaldari
Rachel Carlson – rachelmcarlson.com
Megan Cohen – cargocollective.com/megancohen
Marco Diaddezio – marcopywriter.com
Skyler Dobin – skylerdobin.com
Jason Donaldson – thisreadsright.com
Sarah Gatling – sarahgatling.com
Peter Harris – peterharriscw.com
Shannon Hollsten – shannonhollsten.com
Chip Kelly – yochipper.com
Nick Larson – nicklarsonwriter.com
Matt League – mattleague.com
Amy Lieberthal – amylieberthal.com
David Ma – david-ma.com
Kristen McManus – kristen-mcmanus.com
Simmi Nikki Patel – nikkispatel.com
Bryce Post – brycepost.com
Sara Steinberg – sarawithnoh.com
Cameron Van Der Veer – cameronvanderveer.com
Nikki’s anti-facial hair campaign for Gillette cracks up MC. So does her disclaimer above it: “This campaign does not represent the beliefs or ideals of Nikki S. Patel. Any potential employers that have facial hair should not trash her resumé on account of being insulted. We are sure Nikki S. Patel thinks facial hair looks extremely manly and rugged on you, kind sir/ma’am).” Smart move. Especially if she’s eyeing a shop in Boulder or Minneapolis.
Portfolio: nikkispatel.com