Category Archives: Copywriters

Creative Circus Week | Fall 2011 – David Ma

I remember seeing David’s GRADMEN idea somewhere (created with fellow Circus grads Deanna Director and Mike Quattrocchi), and thinking it was genius. Doesn’t matter if they got Don Draper to speak at their graduation ceremony or not. They got to spend time with 50 working CDs at agencies most CWs would love to land in right out of school. Winner.


Creative Circus Week | Fall 2011 – Sara Steinberg

MC had the opportunity to meet Sara, along with fellow Circus grads Shannon Hollsten and Kristina Spaid, when they were in the Bay Area recently doing agency tours/interviews. Can’t say enough good things about the three of them. Can’t say enough good things about Circus, and how fast they are to respond to opportunities for their students. Tip o’ the hat to Kim Kurtz, Director of Career Services.


Tom Kelly

Tom is a copywriter/ECD at Brand Content in Boston. You know what’s great about portfolio sites? Versus the old portfolio portfolios? The archive section. If they love it, it’s like extra credit. If they don’t love it, it’s like, so what? It’s the archive section. (Plus, for writers, it means being able to include your fave headlines on one-shots, spec ads, oldies, and so-so art directed pieces.) Be sure to check out Tom’s archive section. Some awesome work in there. Glad we got a chance to see it.


Chicago Portfolio School Week – CW Grads

Ladies and gentlemen, MC proudly presents the portfolio sites of the Chicago Portfolio School 2011 Fall copywriter grads (in alphabetical order):

Eamon Conway –

Chris Davis –

Ben Klassman –

Mike McCarthy –

Lisa Norris –

Tim Ottolin –

Natalie Pavalko –

Lauren Phillips –

Andrew Shaffer –

Steve Stenholt –

Jake Thompson –

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Jake Thompson

Hello, Chicago Portfolio School Week! MC’s first, and we’re psyched. Kicking it off with The Book of Jake. Can’t tell you how many times MC has heard some version of this: “How come they don’t make copywriters who can write headlines anymore?” To which MC responds, check out Jake’s book. Ton of headlines in there, and more than a few are awesome.


Brett Minieri

Brett is a copywriter/ACD at Colangelo in NYC. Awesome mix of work on his site, from print to banners. Can we talk about banners for a second? The best way to show ’em? We think Brett’s nailed it. Motion screen capture, edited into a little video, and then posted on Vimeo. Easy for everyone. (NOTE: Motion capture software. We like iShowU. You can get it at for $30.)


Bridget Deenihan

Bridget is a copywriter in Orlando. The first piece in her portfolio is a spot for Nemours Children’s Hospital. The 19th piece is the above ad for North Star Roller Girls. Couldn’t be more different. Love that part of being a CW. This week you’re getting paid to learn everything there is to know about helping kids who need it. Next week, you’re on roller skates.


Andrew Payton

Andrew is a copywriter/CD at R/GA in NYC. What a crazy fun mix of work on his site, including tons of great digital. Be sure to click on “Intel, Web Film, Changed” (top row, third from right). We all have moments as copywriters, moments when we know we’ve made it. Like when you’ve hired a rock band and paid them however much to set up on the 10th floor of an office building and crank out a song about middle management I.T. Good stuff.


Isaac Silverglate

Isaac is a copywriter/ACD at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco, previously at Droga5 in NYC. His link was sent in by David Roth (thanks, man) and MC knows why. Because it’s ridiculous awesome. Every once in a while, you click through a CW’s portfolio site and think to yourself, “No way. No way did a client let them do that. No way did a client pay for that.” This is one of those. Start with Combos TV. “What your Mom would feed you if your Mom were a man.” No way.


Ned Selover

Ned is a copywriter at Y&R Paris. So, that means that he gets to live in Paris. That’s number one. Then, you know, because he’s at Y&R Paris, he gets to make all of this awesome stuff. That’s number two. But then, get this: Y&R Paris actually pays him to make that awesome stuff, so he’s not only living in Paris, but making money. Not fair, right? I know. Which gives MC an idea for a new awards show, which MC is going to fully sponsor in 2012. The Hey! Not Fair Awards. Ned Selover is our first nominee.


UPDATE – Justin Kramm

Justin is a copywriter/ACD at Publicis & Hal Riney in San Francisco. He just relaunched his site with a bunch of new work, and made it mobile-awesome. So now you can take Justin with you, wherever you go. How great is that? Great. NOTE: Commuters on 280 between 8:30 and 10am, don’t Justin and drive. Please. I’d hate for my blog to be the cause of my own demise. Thank you.
