Category Archives: Copywriters

Paula Maki Biondich

Paula is a copywriter/CD at mono in Minneapolis, Fallon before that. She gets co-writing credit, along with Tom Sebanc, for the Holiday Inn campaign I mentioned in yesterday’s post. Just hilarious. The rest of her site is a gold mine: Blu Dot, Harvard, Sesame Street, so smart. But you absolutely have to read the print campaign for Kool-Aid (above). Pee-your-pants writing.


Tom Sebanc

Tom is a copywriter at McKinney in Raleigh-Durham, Fallon before that. Sometimes you go through a site and it’s just like, this person has fun being a copywriter. This person had fun making all of this stuff. Check out the first Holiday Inn spot: Unicycle. I just watched it five times in a row. “What is he a clown or something?” “I hope so.” “Good for him.”


Sally Hogshead

Sally was a copywriter/CD at W+K, Fallon, Martin, her own shop, and then she opened a CP+B office. Since then, she’s done more with her career than 10 average copywriters combined, including writing the popular book Radical Careering (above). What else can I say? She’s Sally Hogshead. Her career is what’s possible.


Rebecca Renner

Rebecca is a copywriter/ACD at AKQA NYC. Her site is super quirky fun. (Totally stole my theme song, BTW.) A little taste from her self-description: “West Virginia native but I still have most of my teeth. I’m allergic to cats, in need of a tan, and teach Easy Bake Oven cooking classes in my free time. (Very tiny meatloaves).” Want one! Don’t leave without checking out her Weird Fun page. It’s weird. And fun.


Luke Carmody

Luke is a copywriter at Razorfish in NYC, AKQA before that. His portfolio is a blast to poke around and explore. On top of page two is a site for Benjamin Moore that’s described like this: “What is the color of Rock n’ Roll? What is the color of passion? Of power? Of sound? Discover how others view color and express your own.”


Eduardo Marques

Eduardo is a copywriter/ACD at Ogilvy Interactive in São Paulo. (Lots of killer sites coming to MC from São Paulo.) There’s great work up and down his blog, and Whopper Face is a biggie. But I have to call out one old school print campaign that’s just awesome. Look for the post title “Second Hand Furniture.” Tagline is “More than furniture. Witnesses.”


UPDATE: Sean McLaughlin

Sean has moved to W+K NYC from Anomaly. It makes me so happy to write that. Not that he left Anomaly. Anomaly is awesome. But Sean and I went to Oregon together, and there’s a bond between Oregon and W+K that’s deep. Seeing Sean land at Wieden makes everything right in the world. Big congrats, Sean. And for the zillionth time, thanks for Reservoir Dogs and The Afghan Whigs.
