Category Archives: Copywriters

Will Chambliss

Will is a copywriter/ACD at Arnold Boston. He shares a site with art director/ACD partner Rob Kottkamp. I can count on two hands the number of team portfolio sites on MC. (Maybe one hand?) Career creative teams have become rare. Will and Rob’s site shows what we’re missing. Tip ‘o the Hat.


Mike Howard

Mike is a copywriter/ACD at Arnold Boston, Butler Shine and CP+B before that. One of the things I like best about blog portfolio sites is how deep you can go, how much work you can show, without bogging down visitors with a billion clicks. Mike’s done a ton of killer work and his site is way deep. The blog format makes it fun to go exploring. Check out a Volvo piece here, BK there, Truth, Epson, VW, Earthlink, Monster, Puma, Miller Lite …


VCU Brandcenter Week: CW Grads

Barbara Schwartz –

Chris Stephens –

Dylan Meagher –

Grace Harris –

Heather Ryder –

Joe Hagel –

John Colin Quinn –

Matt Spicer –

Mike Nichols –

Natalie Hammel –

Nate Totten –

Talia Ledner –

VCU Brandcenter Week: Natalie Hammel

Natalie will graduate from VCU in May. Her portfolio site is titled DIE FAT: “Die Fat is an attitude, approach toward life and a social experiment. I was put on this planet to be a sponge and I won’t be satisfied until I soak up every bit of curious matter in my surroundings and non-surroundings. Like creative chlorophyll, I get my breath from absorbing the world’s ecstatic experiences. Die Fat is how I want to live every day until the day I die fat.” 


Casey Rand

Casey is a copywriter at BBDO NY. In the year-and-a-half since she graduated from VCU, she’s put together a really fun portfolio, including that AT&T spot with the Jr. Assistant who runs around getting stuff for Mariah Carey. Love when he kicks the elevator button. Perfect ending. She’s also got a killer blog called People Who Deserve It. Getting punched in the face, that is. Soon to be a book. 


Mike Lear

Mike is a copywriter/VP/ACD at The Martin Agency in Richmond, CP+B and WestWayne (under Luke Sullivan) before that. His site is a straight-up, old school Blogger blog with zero extra fanciness. That’s what you can do when you have a portfolio like Mike’s portfolio. Which, if you haven’t guessed, is just absolutely, completely awesome. 


Amy Hollrah

Amy is a copywriter/ACD at Hoffman York in Chicago after doing time at Leo Burnett, Cramer-Krasselt and Arnold. She wrote a spot for the Broan Ultra Silent Fan that I’ve seen about a zillion times (yes, I watch HGTV), and there’s a moment at the end that cracks me up. In the version on her site, they let that moment play out. Fun.
